Sunday, November 14, 2010

Great Schism 1054 AD

Today i am interviewing a Woman that lived during the great Schism.

Q:  Hi there, I was wondering if you could give me some info about how the church was before they split.

A: Yea I can.  Well Basically, they were just one religion, no problems at all.  But after a while thier relations were not the best anymore.

Q:  Why? What Happened?

A: They started to have different ideas and opinions on things. 

Q: Well what happened after the split?  Can you tell me about it?

A: Of course.  It was a split between the eastern and western Christian Churches.  This created eastern and western christianity.  Better known as Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. 

Q: Well that's good to know. Thank you so much for telling me about the big split.

A: You're Welcome!

Columbus leaves Spain 1451-1506

I am so honored to interview Christopher Columbus.

Q: Hi Christopher.  I've heard so much about you!  Tell me about yourself!

A: Well, i was born in Genoa, Italy.  And ive basically travelled around the world.

Q: Well that sounds like fun.  Where are some places you went?

A: Oh so many.  I Will just list a few.  Spain, Cuba, Portugal, America, Cape Verde Islands, Jamacia, and South America.

Q: Wow.  Do you mind giving me some detail?

A: Not at all.  I would love to.  I have discovered so many new lands and so many different people!  It was amazing.  I had 3 different ships that took me everywhere.  I depended on them.  My most amazing discovery was  when i started my first voyage in 1492 and that's when i discovered America.  Oh it was amazing.

Q:  Wow! well thanks so much for letting me know about your travels.

A: You're Welcome.

Charlemagne 800 AD

I am interviewing one of Charlemagne's old friends.

Q: Hello there.  Could you give me some background information on Charlemagne?

A: Yes, Charlemagne was the King of the Franks and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empires.

Q: When did he become King of the Franks?

A: At age 26, inherited the kingdom of the Franks.

Q: What about the Holy Roman Empire?

A: by 800 AD, He was the ruler of Western Europe.

Q: Do you know anything else about Charlemagne?

A: Of course i do!  In the year 800 on christmas day, he was in Rome and he went to the church to pray.  He said that the Coronation approached him.  So that's special, even though the Pope disagreed. 

Q: What else?

A: Umm, he was able to learn how to read in Greek and Latin.  But my goodness he couldn't read for his life.

Q: Is there anything that Charlemagne did wrong?

A: He was responsible for so many deaths/

Q: He killed alot of people?

A: Oh yes!  He would kill anyone who would not accept Christianity

Q: Oh that's so sad.  Overall im sure he was a great ruler.

A: Yes, and he obviously wanted  to harness christianity.

Q: Yes well i have learned so much. I appreciate you coming all the way here.

A: Anything for you.

Crusades 1095 AD

Today i am interviewing my friend that was part of the crusades.

Q: How many crusades were there, why were they started, and who was part of it?

A: The crusades was a series of eight wars.  It was between the european christians and muslims because they both wanted holy land.

Q: Were there any other problems between them?

A: yes, the Christians also didn't want islamic expansion.

Q: Can you give me a brief explanation about what went on in the crusades?

A: Well, during the crusades, Jerusalem was recaptured and there were four lating states established.  The Muslims also reconquered Edessa.  Later, the Muslims tried to drive the crusaders out.  In 1191, Richard Lionheart took acre, there was the foundation of Teutonic order, and the Battle of Arsurf.  After that, Francis of Assisi established Franciscan order.  Towards the end of all this, Jerusalem fell to the Muslims.

Q: That was a fantastic explanation.  Thanks for being here.

A: I'm always here for you.

Magna Carta

King John of England
I am interviewing King John of England

Q: Hello King.  Do you think you could tell me a little backround info about the Magna Carta?

A: I was forced to sign it.

Q: Okay...anything else?

A:  Well, they made me sign it because it would reduce my power as King.

Q: When and Where did you sign this?

A:  On June 15, 1215 I signed the Magna Carta in South England

Q: And what is in the Magna Carta? What is it?

A: Again, it was to reduce my power.  It had 37 english laws.  Some of the laws were just made and some were just old.  It was considered the beginning of constitutional government in England. 

Q: Who were the important people involved with this?

A:  I was an important person along with the archbishop and the Barons.

Q: Well that great.  What happened after you signed the Magna Carta?

A: In 1216, Prince Louis invaded england and was accepted as King of England.  I died that October and my son later bacame King Henry III of England

Q: Well Thank you for letting me learn about the Magna Carta and how it effected you.

A: You are so welcome.  Anytime.

Battle of Tours 732 AD

Battle of Tours
Today I am interviewing Charles Martel.

Q: Hello Charles.  I was wondering if you could tell me about the Battle of Tours.

A:  Yes I can.  It began on October 10, 732.

Q:  okay, and how did it begin?

A: Well, a Muslim army was in search for new land.  They began to invade Western Europe under the leadership of Abd-er Rahman, governor of Spain.  

Q:  Do you know how many soldiers they had?

A: Oh yes.  They had about 400,000 soldiers and they have had many victories so they were ready to defeat us.  

Q: And what happened after that?

A:  Umm, I guess after that we didnt want muslim invasion of western europe.  They came to the outside of the city where they ran into me.  I was also with my army.  I gathered my forces on the muslim army.  

Q: How did the battle go?

A: There were so many weapons involved but my army had great attack.

Q: Can you tell me how this battle concluded?

A: Fortunately, the muslim army withdrew and we had a victory!

William the Conqueror (1066 A.D.)

I am interviewing a woman that grew up with William the Conqueror

Q: Hello, Can you tell me a little bit about his childhood?

A: yea, He was born in 1027.  He was his father’s only living son.  Unfortunately, his father died in 1035 and William became the Duke of Normandy.  

Q: How was that going for him?

A: not so good.  In 1040, many people didn’t accept him.  They attempted to kill him.  Fortunately, he survived.  He began to govern Normandy in 1045

Q: Did he get married?

A: Yes, He was married to Matilda of Flanders in 1053.  They had nine children.  

Q: what are some other things that William the Conqueror did?

A: Well, in 1053, he held back two French invasions.  Also, in 1085, he made a survey known as the Domesday Book.  I’m sure you have heard of it.  It is an extraordinary document.  

Q: Can you tell me a little bit about his last year living and how he died?

A: Well, his last year was tough.  He was fighting in Normandy for the battle of Vexin.  On September 9th, 1087, he was thrown off of his horse.  He was 59 years old and extremely injured.  He died that day, having ruled England for 21 years.  

Q: Well thank you for telling me about William

A: Yeah, no problem.