Sunday, November 14, 2010

Alexander the Great 338 BC

I have interviewed one of Alexander’s friends.  She can tell me about her best friend, Alexander the Great.

Q: Where did Alex grow up and who was his father?

A: Alexander was a Macedonian and the son of Phillip the 2nd, King of Macedonia. 

Q: How did the great Alexander become so powerful?

A: Well, his father left him at age 16 to rule.  He saw that his son had the best education.  Aristotle taught him and Phillip also taught him many things about politics.  Alexander was handsome and intelligent. 

Q: What are some things that Alexander did?

A: He had many conquests in Asia and he defeated Persia at Arbela in 331 BC.  He was also able to assemble an army and led it against the rebels.

Q: What happened to his family and what was the effect of that?

A: After the defeat of the Greeks, his family split up.  Phillip married someone else and later a young Macedonian assassinated him.  Conquering the Persian Empire was now in the hands of king Alexander III.  He ordered execution of all his enemies. 

Q: Well thank you for letting me interview you.  I have learned so much about the great Alexander.

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