Sunday, November 14, 2010

Constantine The Great (324-337 A.D.)

I have interviewed a man that lived in the time of the great Constantine.

Q: hi, I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit about Constantine’s plan for a new empire.

A: Oh, of course.  Constantine was a very smart man.  His plan was to reunite the empire.  It would be “New Rome”, the capital or Constantinople.  The city was origionaly Byzantium.  He basically just traced the outline of the city and seized control of the entire Roman Empire. 

Q: What are some accomplishments that he did?

A: Well, in 312 AD, he invaded Italy.  Oh, he also marched into Rome.  I believe he had a victory there in a battle against Maxentius. 

Q:  I heard he did many things in 324.  Could you tell me about that?

A: Oh yes!  Well, Licinius declared war in the spring of 324.  His first attack was in July.  Later on September 18, he brought his army across the water and forced battle against Licinius.  Also, later that year, he was able to enforce his religious policies. 

Q:  That sounds great.  Do you know what was his goal was as soon as he established his Roman Empire?

A: Of course I do!  Well, the city was founded as a Christian empire and he wanted to harness Christianity.  He was extremely dominant there and he is known as the first Christian Emperor.

Q: Sounds amazing, and how did he die?

A: Unfortunately, in 337 there was no drinking water and he passed away.  He probably got sick.

Q: Well thanks!  I learned a lot about Constantine and I enjoyed it.

A:  No problem, that’s great!

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