Sunday, November 14, 2010

Axis age/ Golden Age in Greece 460-429 BC

I have interviewed a good friend of mine that lived during part of the Golden Age.

Q: How did the Golden Age Begin?

A: If I am correct, it began with the Persian Wars.  Persia lost to the Greeks in 479 BCE. The Athens sent a runner to deliver the news to everybody.

Q: Were there any other changes during the golden age?

A: Yes, people gained much humanism.

Q: Can you tell me anything else that happened during the Golden Age?

A: Well there was the Peloponnesian War.  The Athens against Sparta.

Q:  Who won?

A: The Spartans had an amazing victory

Q: Can you tell me a little about the Spartans and the Athens?

A: Yes, of course.  I believe the Spartans were extremely strict.  All they cared about power.  They had a military state and they used to start training children as early as age 7. 
The Athens were not as strict.  They trade and make money, outlaws debt slavery, office is open to citizens, and assembly has more say. 

Q: Well thank you very much for telling me about the Golden Age in Greece

A: You’re Welcome.  Thank you for having me here.

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