Sunday, November 14, 2010

Great Schism 1054 AD

Today i am interviewing a Woman that lived during the great Schism.

Q:  Hi there, I was wondering if you could give me some info about how the church was before they split.

A: Yea I can.  Well Basically, they were just one religion, no problems at all.  But after a while thier relations were not the best anymore.

Q:  Why? What Happened?

A: They started to have different ideas and opinions on things. 

Q: Well what happened after the split?  Can you tell me about it?

A: Of course.  It was a split between the eastern and western Christian Churches.  This created eastern and western christianity.  Better known as Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. 

Q: Well that's good to know. Thank you so much for telling me about the big split.

A: You're Welcome!

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