Sunday, November 14, 2010

Columbus leaves Spain 1451-1506

I am so honored to interview Christopher Columbus.

Q: Hi Christopher.  I've heard so much about you!  Tell me about yourself!

A: Well, i was born in Genoa, Italy.  And ive basically travelled around the world.

Q: Well that sounds like fun.  Where are some places you went?

A: Oh so many.  I Will just list a few.  Spain, Cuba, Portugal, America, Cape Verde Islands, Jamacia, and South America.

Q: Wow.  Do you mind giving me some detail?

A: Not at all.  I would love to.  I have discovered so many new lands and so many different people!  It was amazing.  I had 3 different ships that took me everywhere.  I depended on them.  My most amazing discovery was  when i started my first voyage in 1492 and that's when i discovered America.  Oh it was amazing.

Q:  Wow! well thanks so much for letting me know about your travels.

A: You're Welcome.

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