Sunday, November 14, 2010

Crusades 1095 AD

Today i am interviewing my friend that was part of the crusades.

Q: How many crusades were there, why were they started, and who was part of it?

A: The crusades was a series of eight wars.  It was between the european christians and muslims because they both wanted holy land.

Q: Were there any other problems between them?

A: yes, the Christians also didn't want islamic expansion.

Q: Can you give me a brief explanation about what went on in the crusades?

A: Well, during the crusades, Jerusalem was recaptured and there were four lating states established.  The Muslims also reconquered Edessa.  Later, the Muslims tried to drive the crusaders out.  In 1191, Richard Lionheart took acre, there was the foundation of Teutonic order, and the Battle of Arsurf.  After that, Francis of Assisi established Franciscan order.  Towards the end of all this, Jerusalem fell to the Muslims.

Q: That was a fantastic explanation.  Thanks for being here.

A: I'm always here for you.

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