Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rome Sacked/falls to barbarians (410 A.D.)


Today, I am interviewing the one and only, Alaric, King of the Goths. 

Q: Why did you ruin Rome?

A:  I felt like I needed to and I wanted food and money.  I was a barbarian.  I tried to negotiate at first but they just had different ideas.  They would not stop disagreeing with me. I was actually part of the Roman Empire, but kings of the Goths. 

Q: And what did you want to do?

A:  I wanted to conquer the city on August 24, 410 AD. 

Q: And what did you do when you got to Rome?

A: Totally destroyed it.  Oh! We also took prisoners. 

Q: And what happened to Rome?

A:  Well, as I already said many times, it was destroyed.  It was the declare of the death of Rome.  There was no security, no infrastructure, and a rise of Christianity.

Q: Oh, thats too bad.  What happened when you died?

A: Well after destroying the city, we moved on.  I died at Cosentia.  My brother-in-law, Athaulf was elected.

Q: Well Alaric, thank you so much for coming here today

A: Yeah. It was good. Bye

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