Sunday, November 14, 2010

Charlemagne 800 AD

I am interviewing one of Charlemagne's old friends.

Q: Hello there.  Could you give me some background information on Charlemagne?

A: Yes, Charlemagne was the King of the Franks and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empires.

Q: When did he become King of the Franks?

A: At age 26, inherited the kingdom of the Franks.

Q: What about the Holy Roman Empire?

A: by 800 AD, He was the ruler of Western Europe.

Q: Do you know anything else about Charlemagne?

A: Of course i do!  In the year 800 on christmas day, he was in Rome and he went to the church to pray.  He said that the Coronation approached him.  So that's special, even though the Pope disagreed. 

Q: What else?

A: Umm, he was able to learn how to read in Greek and Latin.  But my goodness he couldn't read for his life.

Q: Is there anything that Charlemagne did wrong?

A: He was responsible for so many deaths/

Q: He killed alot of people?

A: Oh yes!  He would kill anyone who would not accept Christianity

Q: Oh that's so sad.  Overall im sure he was a great ruler.

A: Yes, and he obviously wanted  to harness christianity.

Q: Yes well i have learned so much. I appreciate you coming all the way here.

A: Anything for you.

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