Sunday, November 14, 2010

Caesar/fall of Roman Empire (100-44 B.C.)

Today I am interviewing my old friend that lived in Caesar’s time. 

Q: Can you tell me when Caesar was born and a little about his childhood?

A: Of course I can.  Caesar was born in Rome and he was a tall and healthy boy.  Unfortunately, he grew up in a rough time and many people were unemployed. When he was 15, his father died.

Q:  What are some accomplishments he has done?

A: He crossed the Rubicon with his entire army.  He had to make a huge bridge that could hold all of them and he did in a little over a week.  Julius also marched to Italy for a battle against Pompey.  He was the new ruler of Rome.  He later left Rome to join the Army. 

Q: Did Caesar make any mistakes?

A: Oh yes.  He made a huge one that led to his death. 

Q: And what would that be?

A: He forced senate to make him dictator for life.  His people were so upset with his decision to do this.  They assassinated him on March 14, 44BC.

Q: What happened after his assassination?

A: Octavian, the nephew of Caesar took over and defeated the assassins.

Q:  Well I appreciate you coming today.  Thank you.

A: You're Welcome.  Anytime. 

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