Sunday, November 14, 2010

Magna Carta

King John of England
I am interviewing King John of England

Q: Hello King.  Do you think you could tell me a little backround info about the Magna Carta?

A: I was forced to sign it.

Q: Okay...anything else?

A:  Well, they made me sign it because it would reduce my power as King.

Q: When and Where did you sign this?

A:  On June 15, 1215 I signed the Magna Carta in South England

Q: And what is in the Magna Carta? What is it?

A: Again, it was to reduce my power.  It had 37 english laws.  Some of the laws were just made and some were just old.  It was considered the beginning of constitutional government in England. 

Q: Who were the important people involved with this?

A:  I was an important person along with the archbishop and the Barons.

Q: Well that great.  What happened after you signed the Magna Carta?

A: In 1216, Prince Louis invaded england and was accepted as King of England.  I died that October and my son later bacame King Henry III of England

Q: Well Thank you for letting me learn about the Magna Carta and how it effected you.

A: You are so welcome.  Anytime.

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