Sunday, November 14, 2010

Battle of Tours 732 AD

Battle of Tours
Today I am interviewing Charles Martel.

Q: Hello Charles.  I was wondering if you could tell me about the Battle of Tours.

A:  Yes I can.  It began on October 10, 732.

Q:  okay, and how did it begin?

A: Well, a Muslim army was in search for new land.  They began to invade Western Europe under the leadership of Abd-er Rahman, governor of Spain.  

Q:  Do you know how many soldiers they had?

A: Oh yes.  They had about 400,000 soldiers and they have had many victories so they were ready to defeat us.  

Q: And what happened after that?

A:  Umm, I guess after that we didnt want muslim invasion of western europe.  They came to the outside of the city where they ran into me.  I was also with my army.  I gathered my forces on the muslim army.  

Q: How did the battle go?

A: There were so many weapons involved but my army had great attack.

Q: Can you tell me how this battle concluded?

A: Fortunately, the muslim army withdrew and we had a victory!

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